We’re raising money to help keep VHS open! Please donate if you’re able to, and share either way! This fundraiser is being run by a member in coordination with the Board of Directors. 100% of the funds raised will go …
1601 Venables St, Vancouver, BC, V5L 2H1
We’re raising money to help keep VHS open! Please donate if you’re able to, and share either way! This fundraiser is being run by a member in coordination with the Board of Directors. 100% of the funds raised will go …
It turns out we have a few bread nerds at VHS! A long-time member posted, asking if anyone had some sourdough starter culture to spare, and another member stepped up and has distributed yeasty holiday gifts (or are they pets?) …
Dear everyone! We have a new space, and its mostly set up, we should have a party! This is a smaller party to celebrate the new location, and to warm our way up to our big 10th anniversary party that …
Super Small Happy Hacker House SSHHH March 30th 2019 Read more »
Many thanks to West Coast Wood Slabs for donating beautiful walnut wood scraps to VHS. Thank you! Thanks also to Mike for setting up a Walnut Materials Challenge with those scraps! Here are just some of the beautiful things VHS members …
We taught lots of people how to solder today at Maker Faire 2016, including kids as young as 4 years old! Here’s the how to solder comic we use as well as the guide to our VHS Blinky Badge kit. …
Grip Graphique’s Kickstarter campaign is live today! They’re producing amazing custom designed, laser cut griptape for longboards and skateboards. Why settle for plain, flat black griptape when you can make the top of your deck look as artistic as the …
Grip Graphique: Another kickstarter from creative minds at VHS! Read more »
What: Mystified by the ‘Pull Request’ button on GitHub? Confused by merging, rebasing, committing, pulling, and pushing? Want to learn a bit more about Git and GitHub? Come on down! Sean Hagen will be teaching you how to use Git, including …
We’ve wrangled ourselves together and got our ducks in a row to have the space open every night this week (Monday June 8th – Friday June 12th) from 7:30pm-10pm as a bit of a post-Maker Faire bonus for people wanting to …
What: Have you ever wanted to record the temperature with your Arduino? What about the humidty? Maybe you’re more interested in motion detection, or maybe you want to detect water leaks. 1-wire sensors to the rescue! There are many types …
Hello hackers, Tinkerers, Builders, Crafters, and Makers In light of the recent news, we can’t just move out without getting together at the bunker one last time: The Vancouver HackSpace is opening its doors to the general public for an …