VHS AGM and QGM (Sunday, July 28th 2013. @11 am)
Its that time again to go another AGM (annual general meeting) and QGM (quarterly general meeting)
VHS members of good standing for 3 consecutive months (paid your dues), except by special arrangement at the discretion of the directors.
No guests, Members only!
VHS (the bunker) 270 1st Ave E, Vancouver BC V5T 1A6
Sunday, July 28th 2013. 11 am.
(Note: This date has been in the calendar for 3 months)
We need to elect a new board of directors
It has been suggested that for the AGM we have a very short agenda with no new business
- Electing a Secretary, and Chair to host the meeting.
- Adoption of rules of order – Explanation of how the meeting will be operated.
- Consideration of the financial statements;
- Report of the directors/members of the previous year.
- Election of directors
The notes from the AGM will be sent to our insurance, our bank (VanCity), and made public. We can have the QGM immediately after the AGM with the newly elected board of directors.
Personally would really prefer to keep the AGM as short as possible.
How to add a topic/proposal to the meeting agenda
If you have a topic/proposal that you want to add to the agenda of the QGM please announce it on the members mailing list the sooner the better. This gives people a chance to talk about it prior to the QGM. The more conversation we have about the topic/proposal before the better and hopefully the quicker the meeting will go. There will be a cut off a week (7 days, July 21st) before the QGM. If you don’t announce your topic/proposal by then it will not be added to the agenda.
I purpose that we paint the bike shed red.
The reason why I am purposing this is that I recently read an article (http://boingboing.net/2013/05/10/why-are-barns-red.html) about why there are so many red barns, blab blab blab.
It should be noted as a possible conflict of interest that I also SELL red paint
Things to keep in mind.
- The notes from this meeting will be sent to Victoria to be submitted officially with our society.
- VHS works on a “rough consensus” model, (see below)
- Please read our Constitution and bylaws
- Attendance is not required but suggested.
- In-order to attend you must (Read the Bylaws)
- Be present, VHS does not allow absent votes.
- Be a member of good standing for 3 consecutive months (paid your dues), except by special arrangement at the discretion of the directors.
Rough Consensus Model
VHS operates on a rough consensus model as described in RFC-2418
VHS make decisions through a “rough consensus” process. Rough consensus does not require that all participants agree although this is, of course, preferred. In general, the dominant view of VHS shall prevail. (However, it must be noted that “dominance” is not to be determined on the basis of volume or persistence, but rather a more general sense of agreement.) Note that 51% of the working group does not qualify as “rough consensus” and 99% is better than rough. It is up to the Chair to determine if rough consensus has been reached.
http://www.rfc-base.org/txt/rfc-2418.txt (Page 12)
What that means is that VHS members will do its best to come agreement on topics and proposals. If the membership can not agree and a member(s) feels so strongly about a topic that they would leave the group if the proposal is not resolved. The proposal can be brought to a vote. The chair decides percentage of the vote is needed for the proposal to pass. (Note: A vote like this should be avoided if at all possible. I personally would consider this a failure of our group if we had do this. Last resort, very bad thing)
Previous meeting notes
Please please ask questions if you have them before the AGM and QGM