What’s happening at the VHS, April 2012


Apologies to Rob. Rob! You are a good person and I am a monster for forgetting your name.

The Kaizen team last night put up the VHS banner over the lockers, did the dishes, cleaned out all kinds of cruft, tossed about 30 pens that didn’t work any more, and generally did a kick-ass job of making the space that much better. We found some plastic stock hidden in a box, a tool for picking edible bits out of walnuts, a two month old tub of rice that smelled like paint, and a package of delicious coffee flavored candies. Also, some weird powder that looked like cumin and made Loial’s tongue go numb.

Next Wednesday power tools will definitely be out in force.

2 Comments on “What’s happening at the VHS, April 2012

  1. That weird powder that Loial ate was probably Guarana extract. That stuff is pretty much the closest thing to pure caffeine that nature makes.