Kaizen Nights
Like all living things the Hackspace needs regular care to keep it healthy.
This Wednesday there were no less than 5 people at the space hauling, smashing, hammering, stacking, and disposing. They ripped out the old member storage and installed 16 new lockers. What a fantastic job they did. So clean!
Several people have expressed interest in regularly scheduled “hacking the space” nights. Anyone who wants to improve the space is welcome to come down on Wednesdays at 20:00. We might be sorting all the electronics one night and carpentry the next. Depends on the Kaizen page on the Wiki. You’ve read some of the Wiki, right? Did you find the Easter egg?
So if you don’t have the time to get into a big project, try taking on these bite-sized bits of goodness. The door is also open for every day hacking, too.