Identified Flying Objects Meetup II at VHS

Are you into things that fly, and are small enough for a person to carry?
Quadcopters, Helicopters, Fixed Wing, Multirotors, or anything else? Participate in our quadcopter build workshop, and want to continue to learn? Wanted to get into multirotors, and not sure how to get started? come on down!
VHS will be hosting our second afternoon meetup on March 15th. Bring down your flying objects of all descriptions, check out others gear, share your knowledge , and learn from each other.
Meet at 1:00 PM at VHS ‘the bunker’ – 270 E 1st Ave. We’ll spend some time in the shop ‘bench flying’, then if the weather co-operates we’ll head down to near Science World for a bit of flying.
Don’t forget – crashing is an opportunity to do more building :-)
VHS membership is not required (but encouraged!), and it’s a great opportunity to check out the space.