(FREE) Sock Knitting Night – Wed Sept 25th, 7:30 – 10:30 PM

Sponsored by Vancouver yarn shop Three Bags Full
Come and knit socks! They are not as hard as they look! Bring a sock project you’re working on, or one you’d like to start with the help of other knitters. A quick discussion of technique will be followed by lots of time to knit and get help. This isn’t a knitting class but experienced sock knitters will be there to help. Ability to knit, purl, increase and decrease are recommended but beginners who are curious are very welcome! Are you a sock pro? Please come and share your tips! Samples of completed men’s and women’s socks will be there.
When: Wed, Sept 25th, 2013, 7:30 – 10:30 PM
Where: VHS, 270 1st Ave E, Vancouver, BC
Bring: a sock pattern you want to knit, the appropriate yarn, and needles
Cost: free, but snacks or donations to the hack space are appreciated
Who: open to everyone
Some Free Sock Patterns:
Beginner ankle socks
Men’s striped socks
Thuja Socks (men’s sizing)
Dublin Bay Sock Pattern (PDF, women)
Lorna’s Laces One-Hank Socks (women)
Tardis Socks ( advanced)
Pomatomas Socks (advanced)
Vintage Sock Knitting Patterns
Other free pattern sources:
Knitty Magazine
Vancouver Public Library
If you have questions, please contact Janet.